Monday, April 30, 2012

For the moments I have no one to talk to.

I have no one to talk to. So I talk to myself.
And tell me whats going on.
It is a fascinating pastime, for it passes the time.
But leaves me feeling quite unsatisfied.

Because this world is so much bigger than me.
With sadness and pain and struggles for peace.
There are so many people and yet here I sit,
talking to myself.

"How's the weather today Bethany?"
Quite fine, today we had rain instead of sunshine.
"How was school today Bethany?"
It was great, for lunch I ate a rainbow cupcake.
"what's your life like Bethany?"
Oh its fine, I'm having a conversation with myself to pass the time.
"And does that make you satisfied?"
Not really, honestly it feels kinda silly,
to think that I, am talking with myself to pass the time.

So, up I get from this silly old chair,
this old chair that keeps me sitting here,
Up I get from my thoughts, my silly little thoughts,
this is the end of the conversation with myself.

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