Friday, November 1, 2013

Too much

A drop of water. Another. Another. Another.
 Multiply that infinitely and what is small, what is harmless, what seems so insignificant it is not worth a thought becomes a flood.
 A deluge of water falling, falling, falling. It is no longer insignificant. It is dangerous.

I think of you. It is a beautiful thought, you make me laugh. Thoughts of you warm my heart.
They are harmless. Though I might like you, though I might feel a greater affection toward you, what is one thought really?
One thought, then another. Another. Another. Another.
A deluge of thoughts falling, falling, falling. Preying on my open mind, preying on what is unoccupied, what is already in your favor. But they are no longer innocent and beautiful.
They are dangerous.

What is worth a thought?
Certainly not what we let come. 

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