Friday, February 17, 2012

The legend of couch potato

Once upon a time I fell in love with a potato. And the potato fell in love with me back. And i was super happy. I could definitely see a long and happy relationship between me and the potato. The potato could understand me inside and out, it could even finish my sentences for me, like all the cheesy couples do. Like one time I was thinking "Boy, I sure do feel like a..." and he filled in "potato" for me. And I realized that was exactly how I felt. The potato was so smart. I wish all boys could be like that potato was. And I wish all girls could find someone like the potato was for me. But sadly our relationship was not meant to be, even though I could have sworn that it was from the start. One day my father found the potato and decided that he was hungry and put the potato in a pot. When I got home from school, i found my potato in the pot. With a gasp I removed the potato, but it was too late. The potato was already too far gone. That night I cried myself to sleep. The day after that I could not eat, or do anything pretty much. I felt numb. I sat on the couch all day just thinking about my lost potato. The day after that was the same. And the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that. I could swear that I barely moved from that couch. After several years had past my father saw me on the couch and was like "wow, your like a couch potato!" and then doubled over in laughter because he thought that was the funniest thing ever. And from then on the term "couch potato" was used to people who just sit on the couch and don't accomplish much. Which I find to be slightly offensive. So, the moral of this story is: father's are not very sensitive, and don't fall in love with anything that dies when you boil it in a pot of water.
The end.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

People wonderings :)

Sometimes I really really don't understand people. I mean, I love them, but I really don't understand. I think nobody really understands, although many people have tried. Hence all the philosophy and the physiology and everything else dedicated to understanding the human being. You can cut them open, you can take out all their insides and piece them back together. You can try to understand their minds and how they work, you can devote your life to study and to understanding them. You can live in different cultures, and experience different people. You can read books, and take medication. You can spend your entire life living among them. And yet, they can still surprise you. Their laughter, their kindness, their creativity, and even their cruelty. They can scare you, astound you, they can make you happy, and they can make you angry. There is so much variety, I don't think, we, as people, will ever be able to understand. But it makes me wonder, if there was no God, how in the world did the world get there? I mean, the fact that despite all the understanding there is, people can still surprise you, and I think will always be able to. How could all this creativity, and brilliance, and innocence, and variety show up from nothing? But, as I do know God, it just makes me wonder. Wonder. Because MY God, created all of this. What a large, complex God I must have that he would create all of this and still love me. I think as I will never truly be able to understand people, I most definitely will never be able to understand God. But I can be satisfied that, unlike people, my God will always and forever remain my God. And will love me even when no human ever could.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The only thing I can ask you to pray for is so that I will see God.
A constant glimpse everyday. I know that will make all the difference.
- Ha Ram Kang


Someday I imagine. The image is blurry, like it is out of a dream, like there is a film over the entire picture, the screen, blocking me from seeing it clearly, but I still know. Someday I imagine. I imagine the joy, I imagine the warmth, I imagine the laughter, I imagine that I no longer have to imagine, that I will have everything I need right there. There will be no need to imagine, for life will be beyond what I can imagine. It will be that feeling you get, when you are completely content, when you are completely happy. It will be the the galaxies and beyond there. It will be You. That is why I cannot imagine it, because you are too big for my imagination. All I need is faith.