Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I am not brave.
I hide my face,
instead of fighting,
I run away.

Its not that I don't want to be
where you are
its just I'm more comfortable
watching from afar
I am not brave.

And so I'm here, 
writing this today
trying to say
what I cannot say,
to your face
I cannot be
everything I wish I could be
everything I wish I could say
even though I run away,
Though, in my head, to you I'll stay
And try my best to be

Monday, June 18, 2012

The epic of the giant pink frog

I tis bored,
tis bored I am,
a strenuous, complicated predicament my friend
so instead of doing nothing, you see
I will sit and write boredom poetry
About duck, and chickens, cars and dogs,
about stars and moons and a giant pink frog
who tried to jump over Saturn.

"Don't do it," cried the duck and chickens and clucking away
the cars revved their engines and begged him to stay,
the dog covered his ears and tried to run away
while the stars and the moon just shone.

But the giant pink frog was adamant that was what he wanted to do,
So with a lot of sighs and tears and boo-hoo's
the giant pink frog jumped past the moon
and landed among the stars.

But there was one problem for the frog that he overlooked,
he forgot to read his science book,
that talked about oxygen and the need for frogs to breathe
but since he forgot to read
he couldn't jump to Saturn.

So the pink frog was really depressed, not to mention slightly compressed
because his lungs couldn't handle it,
but he gave one last leap with all his might,
and when he looked upon his right,
it was there that he saw Saturn. 

And then, in that instant he died,
and it was a sad goodbye
for he was the last of his kind
and the only to jump past the moon.

But his memory will be ranked with the greats
among ducks, chickens, cars, and dogs
and the stars and moon will never forget
the brave giant pink frog.